Me - My Mom - Ruby Alberta Belknap - Bessie Beatrice Landers - James Robert Landers
Funeral of J.R. Landers
Held Sunday Afternoon
J.R.Landers |
The funeral of the late J.R. Landers, who passed away in this on his 70 birthday, February 21, 1929 was held from the Methodist church at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, Rev, Harvey O. Cooper, officiating at the services. A large assemblage of devoted friends packed the edifice to pay their last respects to a departed friend and neighbor.
A male quartette composed of Messrs, J.T. Lucy, F.M. Cook, Jack and A.F. Duntach rendered two numbers, “I’m a Pilgrim,” and “Abide With Me,” with piano accompaniment by Mrs. C. Wimpenney, and J.W. Hartzell sang very impressively “In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions,” as a baritone solo, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Hartzell.
Following the services a large concourse of friends formed a cortege accompanying the remains to the cemetery where brief services were held.
Pall bearers were: George Lampson, Nels J. Holmberg, J.M. Garriott. A.T. Brown, Wm. Cain and J.P. Lacy. Funeral arrangements were under the directions of E.E. Davis of the Davis Mortuary.
James Robert Landers was born at Danville, Ind., February 21, 1859 and died at Riverton, Wyo., February 21, 1929 at the age of 70 years. He moved to Keithburg, Ill. In 1870 and there started to master the carpenter’s trade. He was married to Laura B. Bauguess, December 30 1889 at Aledo, Ill. He moved his family to Cody, Wyo., in November 1901, later coming to Riverton at the opening of the townsite, filing on lots here. Later he moved to Nebraska for a few years, returning to Riverton in 1917 and spent the remainder of his life here.
He leaves to mourn his departure, his wife, Mrs. Laura Landers of this city and five sons, Floyce David and Harvey J. Of the city; Earl R and Floyd W of Denver: Albert J. Of Casper. Four daughters-Mrs. Pearl M. Binder and Mrs. Ruby Allen of Rapid City, So Dakota; Mrs. Cynthia R. Temple of Riverton; Mrs. Bessie Belknap [my great grandmother] of Talta [should be Alberta], Canada.
Two sons and one daughter preceded the father in death: Fred Landers of Platte, So. Dak., Sept. 15, 1915; Glenn Landers, Feb. 6 1909, Riverton and Mrs Murl B. Tripplett, Nov. 21, 1924 at Gordon Neb. Fifteen grandchildren and one great grand son also survive him.
Page 1 The Riverton Review on February 22, 1929
Riverton, Fremont County, Wyo.
State Archives
More on the Landers Family